


Copperwheat Avenue, Reydon 

Thank you for taking the time to visit this website which provides a summary of Orbit’s plans for residential development at Land to the West of Copperwheat Avenue, Reydon.

A drop-in information event has been arranged on Wednesday 17th January 2024 from 4pm to 8pm at Reydon Village Hall. The event is open to all and we very much hope that you will be able to attend.  If you are unable to attend, we have provided a short summary on the proposals below and you can download the presentation boards 





Orbit is a not-for-profit organisation that acts as both a housebuilder and a provider of affordable housing. Their vision is to create a high quality and sustainable extension to the village that meets local housing needs. The new dwellings will be restricted to principal residency (i.e. no second homes or holiday lets), affordable housing will be delivered for local people and plots of land will be provided for people whose homes are affected by coastal erosion.

The site is allocated for residential development in the Waveney Local Plan (Policy WLP6.1) and it is recognised as a development site in the Reydon Neighbourhood Plan. It has outline planning permission for 220 dwellings (Ref: DC/19/1141/OUT - approved in September 2021) which approves the number of homes and the design of the site accesses, but a further application (called a Reserved Matters application) is required to approve details of the layout, landscaping and design of the dwellings.

Orbit recently purchased the site, and they are discussing their proposals with Reydon Parish Council, Councillors, and officers at East Suffolk Council. A Reserved Matters application to approve details of the layout, landscaping and design of the dwellings is proposed to be submitted in February 2024.


Proposed Development

In summary, the proposed development would comprise:

  • New Homes: 220 new homes including:
    • 118 affordable homes
    • 84 homes for market sale (not allowed to be used as second homes or holiday lets)
    • 7 plots of land provided to people affected by coastal erosion
    • 11 plots of land for sale to people wishing to buy their own home
  • Design: The proposed dwellings have been designed with materials and architectural styles that are in keeping with the local area.
  • New Accesses: Vehicle and pedestrian access from Copperwheat Avenue and The Crescents with a new road linking the two.
  • Public Right of Way Upgrade: The existing public footpath along the southern boundary of the site will be upgraded to a bridleway to provide pedestrian and cycle access to Wangford Road.
  • Off-site highways improvements will be provided including footway widening, crossing points and traffic calming on Copperwheat Avenue, The Crescents and Wangford Road.
  • A sustainable drainage system is proposed that will utilise swales to convey surface water to a drainage basin where it will infiltrate into the ground.
  • A high-quality landscaping scheme is proposed that would provide landscaping around the edges of the site including new tree and hedgerow planting. A play area is proposed in the central open space and a pedestrian connection will be provided from the site to the existing play area at Barn Close to the north.
  • Financial contributions to local infrastructure including East Suffolk Council’s Community Infrastructure Levy and additional financial contributions to habitat mitigation, secondary school transport, bus stop improvements, road safety engineering and a travel plan.


Delivery and Timescales 

  • Site purchase – Orbit purchased site in September 2023

  • Reserved Matters planning submission – February 2024
  • Start on Site Q4 2024/25 – circa Jan 2025
  • Show Homes Q2 2025/26 – circa July 2025
  • Practical Completion Mid – Late 2029

Thank You

Thank you for taking the time to visit this website.

The details above are provided for information only at this stage. A Reserved Matters application to approve details of the layout, landscaping and design of the dwellings is proposed to be submitted in February 2024 and there will be an opportunity to comment on the proposals once this application is submitted to East Suffolk Council.