Site: Beauchamps Drive, Midsomer Norton
Client: Gleeson Strategic Land
Following a decision by Mendip District Council to refuse their outline planning application seeking up to 75 new homes on the grounds that it would result in an urban encroachment of new housing into the open countryside, and risk to highway safety, ARP were instructed by Gleeson Strategic Land to pursue an appeal (Appeal Ref: APP/Q3305/W/21/3285335).
The site in question lay on Beauchamps Drive to the south of Midsomer Norton and outside its settlement boundary. Between the site and the settlement boundary was land allocated for housing in the Mendip Local Plan Part II.
As an unallocated greenfield site located in the countryside the proposals conflicted with the development plan. However, the Inspector in her decision found no material harm from the development on the character and appearance of the area or to highway safety and considered that since the neighbouring site to the north was subject to an allocation for housing any homes on Beauchamps Drive would not result in an isolated community.
Further, in the context of a significant shortfall in housing delivery in the district, she concluded that the proposal would bring about significant benefits, not least the delivery of new market and affordable housing, and that these would significantly and demonstrably outweigh the limited harms identified.
A separate cost application by Gleeson Land was also partially upheld by the inspector, who ruled that the council had engaged in unreasonable behaviour resulting in unnecessary or wasted expense with regard to the arguments surrounding highway safety.