Site: Land off Barby Road Braunston Northamptonshire
Client: Manor Oak Homes
On behalf of Manor Oak Homes, ARP have successfully secured a resolution to grant outline planning permission for the construction of 29 dwellings with associated landscaping, open space, vehicular access and parking provision at Land at Barby Road, Braunston.
In the former Daventry District Council area of West Northamptonshire, there is a positive policy approach to providing housing to meet local needs which allows both affordable and marking housing to come forwards in sustainable locations on the edge of settlements where there is an identified need. The successful planning strategy for this site involved identifying local needs housing as an opportunity to bring the site forward. We then worked in collaboration with the Council’s Strategic Housing Team to request a Housing Needs Survey be undertaken in the village and then to agree the precise mix of homes to be provided on the site. We also held several meetings with the Parish Council, primary school and other local stakeholders to get ‘buy in’ where possible.
The Braunston Housing Needs Survey identified a need for 50 new homes in the village of which 21 will be provided by a registered provider of affordable housing on a separate site and Manor Oak Homes’s proposals will meet the remaining need for a mixture of market and affordable housing tailored to meet local needs. The permitted dwellings will be secured for preferential marketing to people with a local connection.