Estate Planning - Kelling

Site: Various within the estate

Client: Kelling Estate LLP

Estate Planning - Kelling

Since our appointment in 2018, ARP have worked closely alongside the Estate owners and manager to prepare an Estate Masterplan. The masterplan reflects their vision for securing a sustainable future for the estate, including the development of key assets to deliver an economic return and support local jobs. These have all been planned in a manner that is sensitive and sympathetic to the characteristics of the North Norfolk National Landscape where the estate is located.

The masterplan informed by input from specialists in landscape, ecology, heritage and transport and shared with North Norfolk Council, has served as an important overarching reference point in bring forward numerous successful projects since, including:

1.  Major extension and improvement of the Holt Garden Centre, introducing a brand new restaurant, sales space and outdoor play area which has been transformative in improving the customer experience and in turn increasing calling custom, sales and supporting local jobs.

2.  The remodelling and redevelopment of a run-down and unused former Care Home to provide 8no. energy efficient and attractive dwellings, each with their own garden area and car parking in a landscaped setting. The approved scheme met officer requirements for the partial conversion of the existing buildings rather than wholesale development and drew positive comments from all consultees was reflective of the high quality of the design and its landscaping.

3.  The demolition of a former police house of unattractive design yet in a visually prominent location to the north of Kelling village in the North Norfolk National Landscape. ARP agreed with officers that the benefits to the landscape character of removing this large building justified its replacement by 3no. dwellings in less prominent locations in the heart of Kelling Village. These dwellings have been completed to high standards, utilising good quality materials and finishes and represent positive additions to the village.

4.  The development of 6no. luxury dwellings in the place of a former pig barn with amazing views across the North Norfolk National Landscape. Permission for the scheme which has since been completed only followed an earlier permission which ARP secured for the conversion of the pig barn to residential. This earlier permission provided an important fall-back position against which the new build scheme was tested. It was crucial in demonstrating to officers that a non-policy compliant new build scheme offered significant benefits in terms of reduced landscape impact and building design benefits over the implementable conversion scheme.