
Site: Kingsbrook Village, Aylesbury

Client: Barratt David Wilson Homes


ARP are retained as planning advisors in respect of BDW’s multi-award winning development at the edge of Aylesbury. We play an important role working closely with the local planning authority, our clients and their teams of consultants in ensuring applications for reserved matters approval, variation of condition applications and discharge of condition applications are positively prepared with permission secured in timely fashion to enable the development to proceed on the ground in the desired fashion.

We have worked closely with key stakeholders to secure variations of the original permission in respect of medical and community facilities such that they are brought forward in the manner sought by the providers of those services. We have also secured permission for additional affordable homes, for a broader range of uses within the local centre, for public art installations and agreed the procedure for delivery of self and custom build homes.

We are currently progressing a major reserved matters application which when permitted and approved will provide an important new nature reserve and visitor centre to be managed by the RSPB which will benefit the local community and those further afield. 

The nature reserve has been designed to meet Natural England Suitable Alternative Natural Greenspace (SANG) guidelines, which is expected to be the first such facility in this part of Buckinghamshire capable of mitigating the effects of the recreational disturbance effects associated with new housing on the Chiltern Beechwoods Special Area of Conservation (SAC). With no strategic SANG available in this part of Buckingham the Council has been unable to issue any planning permissions for new housing within the 12.6km catchment area of the Chiltern Beechwoods SAC. The delivery of this SANG will overcome that barrier with important beneficial effects on housing delivery in the area.