Little Dunmow, Essex

Site: Moors Field, Station Road, Little Dunmow, Essex

Client: Catesby Land and Planning Limited and Dandara Eastern Limited

Little Dunmow, Essex

On behalf of Catesby Land and Planning Limited, ARP secured outline planning permission for up to 160 dwellings, a countryside park and 100 sqm of office hub floorspace at Moors Field, Station Road, Little Dunmow in March 2023. ARP were subsequently retained by Dandarda Eastern Limited and secured reserved matters consent in March 2024.

The outline application was submitted at a time when Uttlesford District Council could not demonstrate a 5 year supply of housing. The submission followed detailed pre-application discussions with the Council through a Planning Performance Agreement and other stakeholders. The scheme was designed to focus on delivering sustainable development to meet critical housing needs. In addition to delivering market and affordable housing, the proposal includes a large new countryside park to deliver recreational opportunities and Biodiversity Net Gain.

The reserved matters application was submitted directly to the Secretary of State under s62A of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 (as amended) which allows such applications where a local authority has been designated due to poor performance. The design of the proposals focussed on meeting the parameters agreed at outline stage and the various requirements of planning policy and the Essex Design Guide. During the consideration of the application changes were made in response to comments from the Council, such that at the hearing discussions focussed on a narrow range of matters and the clear benefits of the proposed development.