Registered Social Landlords - Orbit Homes

Site: Various sites within the estate

Client: Orbit Homes

ARP has worked closely with Orbit Homes for more than 10 years. Orbit is a not-for-profit organisation that is committed to building quality, affordable homes and thriving communities. They are a registered provider of affordable housing that provides landlord services to over 47,000 properties and they build around 1,000 quality new homes each year. Their aim is to ensure the homes they provide and the communities they create are high quality, affordable, safe and sustainable. Orbit Homes is the housebuilding arm of the business and is key to delivering both new affordable homes and housing for market sale which is used to generate an income to support the business and to create mixed communities.


Key Projects have included:

The regular review of potential development sites to assess their prospects for residential development. Key to this work is a thorough understanding of Orbit’s unique position as both a housebuilder and affordable housing provider which often presents opportunities for the promotion or delivery of sites that wouldn’t be open to other developers. For example, the delivery of a higher proportion of affordable housing or the ability to make otherwise unviable developments work due to a more long-term financial outlook.

ARP secured planning permission at appeal for 157 dwellings an urban extension site to the southeast of Soham in East Cambridgeshire. Key to this success was demonstrating that a 5m high barrier required to reduce traffic noise along the A142 would not lead to significant landscape impacts. The completed design supported by the Inspector comprised a landscaped bund and living willow fence. Following the success at appeal, ARP has worked with Orbit Homes to ensure the timely discharge of planning conditions and S106 obligations and to secure S73 variation of condition approvals and non-material amendments to the planning permission.

ARP secured reserved matters consent for 65 dwellings on this derelict brownfield site in May 2023. The outline planning permission secured a two phase development, with the first phase comprising the remediation of contaminated land on the site and the second phase the residential development. The only available construction access is through a recently completed development and key to securing permission was the preparation and submission of a detailed Construction Management Plan (CMP) to run alongside the reserved matters application allowing members to approve the reserved matters with confidence that a detailed plan for construction was already in place.